People For Liberty Blog

People for Liberty Welcomes Bethany Love

People for Liberty Welcomes Bethany Love

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE People for Liberty Welcomes Bethany Love as Social Media Manager People for Liberty, a leading advocacy organization dedicated to promoting liberty and fostering meaningful discussions, is thrilled to announce the appointment of Bethany Love as...

Breaking the duopoly through RCV

Breaking the duopoly through RCV

By Steven Tucker In Civics, we teach our students about the “Two-Party System,” but there’s nothing in the curriculum to explain what that means or why that matters. Most civilized nations have many political parties that form coalitions based on compromise and the...

A Day at the Gold Dome

A Day at the Gold Dome

By Andrea Holt February 28th was my first day at the Georgia State Capitol. People for Liberty joined Americans for Prosperity and America's Future the day the legislature was in session to push 3 specific bills. SB 233 A BILL to be entitled an Act to amend Title 20...

Educational Freedom

Educational Freedom

Over the past two and a half years, how our children are being educated has become especially contentious. I believe the increased focus is due in part to the school shutdowns during the initial COVID outbreak. During that time, parents had the opportunity to observe...

The Debt Your Kids Have to Pay Off

The Debt Your Kids Have to Pay Off

The Reason Foundation recently analyzed the latest US Department of Treasury report which placed our current national debt at $30 trillion! But, Reason concluded, when including unfunded entitlement programs, the more accurate figure is $100 trillion!!

Welcome Tim Hagan

Welcome Tim Hagan

People for Liberty is delighted to announce Tim Hagan joining us as the Treasurer for People For Liberty and Home For Liberty. Current PFL Treasurer Cris Crawford is stepping down to focus on her run for Treasurer in Massachusetts. Tim Hagan served as Treasurer of the...

National Day of Forgiveness

It’s interesting how pain works. Sometimes, it’s immediate. You do something, you get hurt, and man, do you realize it! Other times, it can be episodic. That odd twinge at the pickup basketball game reminding you to take it easy, that you’re not quite as young as you...

Don’t Ask Don’t Tell

Don’t Ask Don’t Tell

Among the most ridiculous of all government policies is the idea that someone was "the wrong type" to be in the military. For years gay people were prohibited from joining the military. As absurd as this policy was, the government made it worse in 1993 when it began...

The Government Doesn’t Get Water

The Government Doesn’t Get Water

We have the wrong systems for delivering water to consumers.  They are mostly decreed and run by various governments, thus they are deeply susceptible to politics and, far too often, ridiculously large salaries for too many public water board officials.  But if the...

Never Reward Bad Behavior

Never Reward Bad Behavior

A basic rule in psychology is, “Never reward bad behavior.” Rewarding behavior, whether good or bad, will cause it to increase. It is time we start rewarding good behavior. Where is the reward for the Americans who, with our usual spirit, plan and save and make the...

The College Catastrophe

The College Catastrophe

You or someone you know is affected by the outrageous price of a college education. Tuition has risen completely out of proportion with the economy, and it’s a perfect example of the law of unintended consequences. The idea that a college education made you “better”...

Student Loan Forgiveness

Student Loan Forgiveness

Why do we talk about student loan forgiveness for college students and not for trade school students? Why doesn’t a mechanic or a carpenter or a plumber get the loans on his truck forgiven?

Back to (Government) School Shopping

Back to (Government) School Shopping

For many, it’s time to go back to school shopping. Every time my family has gone to the store, school supply sales are staring us in the face. Of course, when you homeschool, the education never stops and materials are hardly limited to pencils and notebooks....

Freedom Fest 2022!

Freedom Fest 2022!

People For Liberty rocked Freedom Fest again. From our wildly popular booth to our banquet table with Jo Jorgensen, Andrew Yang and Supreme from Wu-Tang

PFL Hires Director of Development

PFL Hires Director of Development

2022.07.23Washington D.C.For Immediate Release:People For Liberty is delighted to announce the hiring of Danielle Shamp as Director of Development, effective immediately.  Ms. Shamp will oversee the Development Department, serve on PFL’s leadership team, and be...

Celebrate the 4th

Celebrate the 4th

The 4th of July has parades and cookouts and celebrations, as well it should. People dress up as Uncle Sam but how often do we talk about what happened that day in 1776. The day Americans changed the world forever! Before the American revolution almost everyone in the...

Is woke a four-letter word?

Is woke a four-letter word?

And in fact, the opposite of woke in this context is asleep.  Why would someone want you to be asleep to the injustices in our society?

Celeste Garrett announced as Legislative Director

Celeste Garrett announced as Legislative Director

People For Liberty is pleased to announce that Celeste Garrett has agreed to join the People For Liberty team as our Legislative Director. Ms. Garett will be taking over PFL’s legislation project, ensuring that PFL continues to have the largest and most up to date listing of state and local legislation that affects liberty on the web.

The College Catastrophe

The College Catastrophe

Once again Student Loan Forgiveness is a hot topic in American politics. Let's ignore the fact that paying off student loans will increase inflation, or the fact that millions of Americans scrimped and saved to make it through college with as little debt as possible....

Free Market Currency

Free Market Currency

When the President of People For Liberty, Dr. Jo Jorgensen, was on stage with Andrew Yang and Glenn Greenwald at Bitcoin 2022 in Miami last week, she was asked what she thought about the state of cryptocurrencies. She responded “When I was on the campaign trail people...

Diving in cryptocurrency

Diving in cryptocurrency

     As with anyone concerned with liberty, cryptocurrency typically comes up in discussions regarding decentralization and freedom, but does it promote such? Let’s take a deep dive with Jeremy Baker into cryptocurrency to see.The idea behind cryptocurrency is to...

Financial Liberty

Financial Liberty

Financial Liberty By: Evan SheltonThe rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave to the lender. - Proverbs 22:7 For liberty-minded individuals, the prospect of slavery doesn't sound very appealing. Even if you don't believe in the Bible as an authoritative...

More media is better than less.

More media is better than less.

Let me say right up front that I am not a fan of former President Trump, but he has furnished us with one more example of how the Free Enterprise System works so much better than government. What is that? He recently launched a new app that proclaims to be “America’s...

Welcome Jim Gray

Welcome Jim Gray

People For Liberty is delighted to announce that Judge Jim Gray will be the new Chair of our Board of Directors. Judge Gray is a celebrated author, radio show host, and politician. He brings a wealth of experience to the board including a highly trained legal mind and...

Postler Press Release

Postler Press Release

It is with great sadness that People For Liberty announces the resignation of our Founder and Chair, Lauren Postler.

We’re moving to .COM

We’re moving to .COM

WE'RE MOVING to is moving to People For Liberty is growing FAST and we need to make sure that liberty people are able to find us. To that end, we are moving:Will still work? If you test that link you’ll see...

Forever breaking out of a box

Forever breaking out of a box

  Like many people I have struggled with my identity. Even as an adult, I still seek to define myself adequately. I have accumulated labels that help me and others define me, but no matter what,those labels never fit. These labels are like a box. They are either...

Science and Politics Do Mix

Science and Politics Do Mix

Today is The International Day of Women and Girls in Science, and to celebrate this day, we would like to highlight a few female scientists that we admire and talk about how their discoveries have helped our world today. Many people may read the title and believe that science and politics don’t mix, but whether we like it or not, science and politics are intertwined as long as there is government.

In what is often a male-dominated field, the works of many female scientists have been overlooked throughout history. These unnoticed women didn’t receive recognition for their contributions until much later in life or even after their deaths. Have you ever heard of Dr. Gladys West, Lise Meitner, or Elinor Ostrom? If not, after reading this blog today, we hope that you will have a better appreciation for these women and their discoveries/ contributions to science.

Dr. Gladys West, whom many of us know from the movie Hidden Figures, has contributed so much to science that pinpointing one specific advancement is difficult. For the sake of this blog, we would like to focus on her mathematical calculations that helped in the development of GPS. Without these precise calculations, you would never be able to accurately predict getting from point A to B, personal and political boundaries would never be absolute, and satellite technology wouldn’t be something we rely on in our daily lives.

Political boundaries such as congressional districts are based on demographic data and population size taken from the decennial census, and then the state government sets boundaries between districts. With Dr. Gladys West’s GPS calculations, she has made mapping these boundaries a more timely and precise endeavor. Of course, we could argue that this increases the state’s ability to gerrymander, which is true, but without Dr. West, we wouldn’t be having this discussion at all.

Physicist, Lise Meitner, was the first to suggest nuclear fission. Her colleague, Otto Hahn, was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1945 for discovering nuclear fission, and it wasn’t until 1966 that Meitner was recognized for her contributions to the discovery. Without her initiatives in nuclear fission, we wouldn’t have nuclear energy as a clean and sustainable energy source. However, many government officials argue that it isn’t beneficial and solar or wind energy is a better option. Despite that argument, 28 states and 15 countries rely on nuclear power as a clean alternative to coal and gas, and currently, in the U.S., 20% of our electricity comes from nuclear energy.
Not only does nuclear fission create clean energy, but it also helps with medical treatments, space exploration, criminal investigations, and agriculture. For example, one-third of hospitalized patients are treated with radiation from imaging to cancer treatments, and radioisotopes are used to identify fingerprints, paint, glass, and tape in criminal cases.
American Economist Elinor Ostrom is known for her work in natural resource management and for challenging Ecologist Garrett Hardin’s “Tragedy of the Commons” theory, which theorizes that where people that have unregulated access to natural resources such as fisheries, forests, and freshwater will deplete those resources by acting in their own self-interest. Hardin believed that the solution to this problem was to impose private property rights over land and for the government to regulate natural resources.
Ostrom challenged Hardin’s “Tragedy of the Commons” theory by reasoning that communities and individuals could successfully manage their own natural resources. Her field research conducted in communities around the world led her to contend that shared resources are best managed when those who benefit from them are located within close proximity to those resources. Furthermore, her research indicated that issues only occurred when outside groups tried to get involved and use their power for personal gain. She believed that government intervention could not be successful without support from local communities and individuals. In 2009, Ostrom became the first woman laureate to receive the Nobel Prize in the field of Economics.
Women in science have had their work questioned for centuries, and now due to the pandemic and COVID-19, many people have begun questioning science again. We, as female scientists, believe you should always question science. Without questioning it, you can never make advancements. If your concern is mixing government and science, our suggestion would be to put an end to big government because science will never end.

Forced Silence is Not Governance

Forced Silence is Not Governance

Unfortunately, our educational system highlights how government makes things worse. It also helps explain why our country has become so divisive. Let’s say you want your child to have prayer in school, and your neighbor doesn’t. Under our current system, you have to...

The Presidential Debates

The Presidential Debates

Today the Republican National Committee announced they will no longer be participating in debates run by the Commission for Presidential Debates. I have fought for inclusion by the Commission for Presidential Debates for over 20 years to only be met with corrupt...

The Divide

The Divide

Instead of talking about the divide in our culture, let's talk about what actually divides us. Hint: It's not the issues. As Americans (and as People For Liberty) we're generally ok with people having differing opinions about how to lead their lives. In fact, there...

Finally a mandate in the rearview mirror.

Finally a mandate in the rearview mirror.

Thursday afternoon, the Supreme Court blocked President Biden's vaccine and testing requirement aimed at large businesses. This ruling by the Supreme Court actually has nothing to do with healthcare or the pandemic – it has to do with Liberty. "Although Congress has...

Middle of the Night — Chicago Style Politics

Middle of the Night — Chicago Style Politics

When Chicago teachers voted in a secret midnight vote to return to distance learning, they didn’t give the parents any warning. Instead, they acted like the government monopoly they are, and dictated the policy they wanted.

Bail is broken, and that affects everything.

Bail is broken, and that affects everything.

Over a dozen suspects tied to the spate of nearly a dozen smash-and-grab robberies in Los Angeles were busted but then quickly released due to zero-bail policies, which has left the LAPD’s top cop frustrated. The 14 arrests followed a “rash” of 11 “flash-mob type”...

Liberty Starts With Local Engagement

Liberty Starts With Local Engagement

Hey, I’m Brianna, a 14-year-old student from Massachusetts. You may remember me from such things as ‘Dan Fishman’s Auditor Campaign’, tossing out candy along the parade route like a champ. Or Jo Jorgensen’s Presidential campaign just last year. I’m usually the quiet,...

Kyle Rittenhouse: Legal Observer

Kyle Rittenhouse: Legal Observer

The power of legal observers is an important one in our society. The idea that people can go somewhere and not commit an act of aggression, but bear witness to the actions of other allows us to have a functioning society. Legal observers are important because Justice...

Veterans for Political Innovation with Eric Bronner

Veterans for Political Innovation with Eric Bronner

ERIC BRONNER, VETERANS FOR POLITICAL INNOVATION After graduating from the U.S. Naval Academy, in 1997, Eric served in the Navy for eight years. Eric graduated from Washington University School of Law in 2009, and served as a federal law clerk before practicing...

Adam Kokesh Launches Homefront Battle Buddies!

Adam Kokesh Launches Homefront Battle Buddies!

Adam Kokesh joined the US Marines at age 17 and volunteered for combat duty in Iraq in 2004. This critical experience showed him that war is a racket and led him to deeply question his most cherished statist beliefs. He first rose to fame as an anti-war activist...

Get to Know John Byrnes with Concerned Veterans for America

Get to Know John Byrnes with Concerned Veterans for America

FIVE THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT JOHN BYRNES Concerned Veterans for America (CVA) has a grassroots army advocating the freedom and prosperity America’s veterans fought for. Those veterans and military families have joined us over the years to partner on the issues that...

Economics In One Lesson

Economics In One Lesson

"Inflation is a tax that disproportionately affects the poor." It's been famously stated that those who do not understand history are doomed to repeat its mistakes. Similarly those who do not understand the difference between Wealth, Value and Currency are doomed to...

The Moral Case For Capitalism

The Moral Case For Capitalism

This two-in-one eBook from Hoover Institution fellows Russell Roberts and Ayaan Hirsi Ali analyzes the impact of capitalism and socialism on real people’s lives.

In this eBook, you will read Russell Roberts’ The Humane Side of Capitalism as well as Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s Democratic Capitalism Exceeds Socialism in Economic Efficiency as Well as in Morality.

I Am Noone

I Am Noone

As I sit with my affiliate political group in its monthly meet-up, I am listening to the various members discuss their favorite political minds, celebrities, or podcasts. This then evolves into their favorite economists such as Ludwig Von Mises, Thomas Sowell, or...

National Voter Registration Day

National Voter Registration Day

Today is National Voter Registration Day. There are upcoming election in November for many Americans, and next year of course are the important midterms. If you're not registered, of course we'd like to encourage you to do so and become an active participant in your...

Return the power to the parents in our education system!

On September 14, 2021, I shared over social media that the U.S. Department of Education was soliciting public comments for their Fiscal Year 2022-2026 Learning Agenda. I suggested that we all take the opportunity to express the need for an approach that returns...

Vaccines and Mandates and You.

Vaccines and Mandates and You.

On the surface, it may *look* like President Joe Biden is flip-flopping, but it’s actually worse than a mere flip-flop.  In his sweeping federal vaccine mandate, Biden shows that he only believes in your rights when you’re doing what *he* wants you to do... and he’ll...

You own yourself. Entirely.

The Libertarian platform states, “Recognizing that abortion is a sensitive issue and that people can hold good-faith views on all sides, we believe that government should be kept out of the matter, leaving the question to each person for their conscientious...

The ACA is protecting anti-vaxers

The ACA is protecting anti-vaxers

I'm in favor of people getting vaccinated, but I'm against the government exerting any coercive pressure to force people to get vaccinated. In an ideal world, the free market would sort this out based on actual outcomes. Considering that health expenses are...

Mary’s Bar

    The following is a fairly accurate representation of financial results when the government gets involved: This is how it works: Mary is the proprietor of a small neighborhood bar in Holyoke. She realizes that virtually all of her customers are unemployed...

Most of us don’t get the math

Most of us don’t get the math

I am not a doctor. I have a degree in computer science and have a love of probability. Please read accordingly.There’s a famous puzzle among math fans called the “Monty Hall” problem, that indicates how poorly most of us understand probability. Suppose you're on a...

Politics Vs. Religion – by Jim Gray

Politics Vs. Religion – by Jim Gray

So many people today treat politics like religion, i.e. some issues are so emotional that they can’t even discuss the possibilities that there could be a better way. Can’t even discuss it – and if you continue to bring these issues up, you should be shunned. . . . What are some of these topics? Global Warming, Minimum Wage Laws, Voting “Restrictions,” Healthcare, the January 6 Invasion of the Capitol, Fracking, Taxing the Wealthy and more.

Your decision, not the government’s…

Your decision, not the government’s…

During the pre-nomination debate at the Arizona State Convention, the presidential candidates fielded anonymous questions from attendees. One was about the government’s role in vaccines. My answer, paraphrased, was something like this: “I vaccinated both of my...

For Liberty

For Liberty

I can think of no better date to act on behalf of liberty than today. Stand up against Liberty affecting legislation. Join a group that is already standing up for liberty. Get involved in your community and do something for people instead of the government. The smallest minority is the individual, which is what the government counts on for power. Let’s change that.

Compromising Life – 22.5 is the New 3/5

Compromising Life – 22.5 is the New 3/5

The death of George Floyd sparked a new generation into action, pushing back against what they knew to be wrong. People stood up against discrimination. People pushed back against racism. People pushed against people. It all happened for the sake of politics.

Juneteenth – Building Bridges of Equality

Juneteenth – Building Bridges of Equality

The U.S. will soon have a new federal holiday. Juneteenth, named by combining the words June and Nineteenth, commemorates General Order No. 3, issued on June 19, 1865 in Galveston, TX, which enforced the ending of slavery across the confederacy. Despite the fact that...

The Black Constitution – by Jeremy Thompson

The Black Constitution – by Jeremy Thompson

Black folks remember,Basic constitutional rights are not absolute.Keep your hands up and stay silent for the man in blue.Let him read you your rights so he will not shoot.Black boy, It does not matter what you did or did not do. The first amendment does not apply to...

Liberty on the Border

Liberty on the Border

Learn about the organizations that are helping migrant families get safe and reunitedJoin us on Saturday, July 10th as we speak to a few of the existing organizations and thought leaders who are providing necessary resources and making progress on the ground floor.No...

PFL Newsletter June 2021

PFL Newsletter June 2021

June 2021 Newsletter Hi Friend of Liberty! Liberty Starts With YOU! National Libertarian Day of Service was a HUGE success that continued throughout May! People for Liberty asked everyone to get out into their communities and show that government can be reduced...

Building Liberty

Building Liberty

I have always had the belief that the life of a public servant was the best way to build liberty. As far back as I can remember, I have advocated for others when their voices were not heard. I proudly joined the military after September 11th as a teenager to defend...

School + Work: Creating Educational Opportunity Locally

School + Work: Creating Educational Opportunity Locally

Most Americans, not just those in the #LibertyMovement, agree that our kids, students, and young people would benefit from hands-on experience in the workforce. Unfortunately, our federally overmanaged education system does a poor job of creating opportunities for...

Labor, Education, Jobs and a Libertarian Opinion

Labor, Education, Jobs and a Libertarian Opinion

My first job was working as a lab assistant at the Marine Biological Laboratory. I dissected squid, got the mail, cleaned the equipment and kept track of the animal supplies... I was 13 years old,  I also worked as a dishwasher, a deli clerk, a lifeguard and a gopher...

Into the Fire

Into the Fire

For those out there that still have financial scruples, the transition from Trump to Biden is feeling more and more like being tossed out of the frying pan, into the fire. We have gone from spend-but-don’t-tax (Trump), to spend more-tax more (Biden). But to restore...

Memorial Day Vigil

Memorial Day Vigil

People have myriad different feelings about Memorial Day. For me, that's the real lesson of the day. For some people it's a day to honor the fallen. For some people it's a contrived holiday to make the tragic seem heroic. For some it's about acknowledging the terrible...

Time to prohibit prohibition.

Time to prohibit prohibition.

So the government is talking about prohibition as an answer to cryptocurrency? Will they never learn? One of my favorite bars in Boston (a town of great bars) is on Beacon Hill and it's called "The 21st Amendment." The 21st amendment repealed the 18th amendment, which...

Results from the Day of Service

Results from the Day of Service

On May 1st, Liberty minded people around the country voluntarily gave up their time to participate in the First National Libertarian Day of Service! The People For Liberty and President Jo Jorgensen put out the call, and you responded! Thousands of people who love...

The Death Penalty Must Die

There are too many examples of police misconduct and falsified evidence for us to feel comfortable with the state having the authority to kill people.

E Pluribus Unum

E Pluribus Unum

The American motto “Out of the many one” is meant to remind us that the founders gave us a specific name. We are meant to be state united, not unified. We are supposed to be a nation of many individuals, who come together voluntarily to do good things. That’s what the National Libertarian Day Of Service is all about!

Together We Can Do Better Than Government

Together We Can Do Better Than Government

Encouraging people to come together in acts of service within their communities is why People for Liberty is organizing the National Libertarian Day of Service (#NLDOS). It is exactly what it sounds like – a call for liberty lovers across the country to join together and engage in acts of service on Saturday, May 1, 2021, in an effort to show the impact of true voluntaryism. 

Look for the good.  Help the helpers

Look for the good. Help the helpers

Charity and volunteer work benefits the people who are giving as the people who are receiving. May 1st is the National Libertarian Day of Service. Are you doing anything?

Laws Require Law Enforcement

Laws Require Law Enforcement

Laws require Law enFORCEment which injects FORCE into our society. Too many meaningless law are on the books that allow police to detain people.

Why We Need Consent Culture

Why We Need Consent Culture

Last week, the Minnesota Supreme Court ruled that a person can’t be found guilty of sexually assaulting someone who cannot consent because they are mentally incapacitated due to intoxication if that person became intoxicated by voluntarily ingesting drugs or...

Ready to get to work.

Ready to get to work.

Tuesday, I was excited that People for Liberty announced my position as President of the Board of Directors. If you weren’t able to watch the live announcement, I hope you’ll watch it here. I love spreading the message of liberty. It’s one of the things in my life...

Introducing President Jo Jorgensen

Introducing President Jo Jorgensen

March 30, 2021, Washington D.C.  For Immediate Release   People For Liberty (PFL) is happy to announce that Dr. Jo Jorgensen has accepted the position of President of the Board with the organization. People for Liberty is a 501(c)4 nonprofit (People for...

Guns Aren’t About Criminals.

Guns Aren’t About Criminals.

In the wake of two shootings in a week with 18 people dead, there is talk about guns, society, liberty and security. In order to have a conversation we need to establish the basic fact that gun control and alcohol control are the same fundamental question about...

The Freedom to Sell Yourself

The Freedom to Sell Yourself

Some very basic truths we should all be able to agree upon regarding sex work. You own yourself. To deny this would imply that someone else can own you.A free person only enters into a contract if they will be better off for having done so.It should not be illegal to...

Libertarians oppose no policy*

Libertarians oppose no policy*

People who don't understand liberty often say that people who want liberty are selfish. People know that libertarians oppose government controlled healthcare, government controlled unemployment insurance, government controlled education and government controlled...

Free Wildstar Update!!!

Free Wildstar Update!!!

Holy crap! Just one week ago we had Nickolas Wildstar on the Liberty Lunch Power Hour. If you're not familiar with what was going on, here's a quick synopsis. Nickolas Wildstar, had been a victim of injustice at the hands of officers and our court system. Nickolas...

An Open Letter to the Libertarian Party

An Open Letter to the Libertarian Party

My fellow “big L” Libertarians, I wanted to wait until the new permanent Executive Director was announced before publishing this. I am delighted that Tyler Harris was selected as permanent ED. Were I to have had any input, he would have been my first choice. I believe...

A Legacy of Rigged Debates

A Legacy of Rigged Debates

Did you get a chance to read the first blog in our series? If not, click here to start! Perhaps the most enduring controversy for the Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) has been its commitment to excluding candidates not running with either...

Can I Volunteer with People for Liberty?

Can I Volunteer with People for Liberty?

As People for Liberty jumps into electoral work, we’ve been receiving more and more questions about who can participate in what ways with our efforts. While we’re not able to provide legal advice, the following is meant to be a helpful resource to provide a general...

What is People for Liberty?

What is People for Liberty?

[November 2021] UPDATE: As of November 1, 2021, we have dissolved People for Liberty Action, Inc - the independent expenditure-only committee (or Super PAC) - with the goal of focusing our efforts on the 501(c)4 nonprofit, People for Liberty, Inc...

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