People For Liberty was at our second Freedom Fest in Las Vegas. Once again we had the popular table with people excited and talking about our next venture. Our T-Shirts this year were a huge hit! We sold more than any other vendor we saw. “Defund Politicians” was the best seller, with Freedom is my Second Favorite F-word as a close second. It was wonderful to be a speaker at the event and see people in the audience wearing PFL stuff!

Speaking of speakers, PFL President Jo Jorgensen was everywhere! She had 4 public events, with the highlight being a panel she moderated called “The Price of Money.” Executive Director Dan Fishman was on a panel talking about liberty messaging and Director of Operations Holly Ward led a discussion on censorship and big tech oligarchy. People For Cuba (a PFL partner) director Martha Bueno was on Fox Nation while at Freedom Fest.
At the closing banquet, we hosted 20 guests including Andrew Yang, Corey DeAngelis, Dr. Aaron Lewis and Supreme from the Wu-Tang clan. And what had to be the most jaw- dropping moment of Freedom Fest, we helped to get Supreme on stage at the banquet where he performed the Wu-Tang hit, C.R.E.A.M.

Speaking of tech censorship, we are proud to announce the beta launch of HOME FOR LIBERTY, our new digital platform for the Liberty movement.
Sign up for a premium membership now with the code “IAMHOME” for 6 months free (a $75 value). Let your voice be one of the first on the newest Liberty platform and be a key player in our growing network of Liberty Activists!