Would ‘Medicare for All’ Mean Quality for All?

The Cato Institute

Since the program’s creation in 1965, Medicare has had a negative impact on health care quality. Researchers have documented widespread quality problems for decades, yet Congress and Medicare administrators have failed to enact meaningful reform. Medicare’s negative impact on quality should give even the staunchest Medicare for All advocates pause. A new article by Michael […]

The Original Meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment: Its Letter and Spirit

The Cato Institute

The Fourteenth Amendment, ratified three years after the Civil War, profoundly changed the Constitution. It gave both the federal judiciary and Congress new powers to protect individual rights from being violated by the states. Yet, as Randy Barnett and Evan Bernick describe in their new book, the Supreme Court has long misunderstood—or ignored—the original meaning […]

Don’t Look Up Panel Discussion

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

The new climate catastrophe Netflix movie “Don’t Look Up” directed by Adam McKay and written by Adam and David Sirota has been causing quite a stir in the media and […]

Liberty in the Balance

Upcoming series on current events and the history of liberty of conscience. https://www.facebook.com/events/703929543910961/

Gathering Freedom Haven – February Meeting

Monthly meeting of Gathering Freedom Haven: * Online: Discord: https://discord.com/invite/zQGGGmfUce * In-Person: @"Round Room" Conference Room in Keokuk, Iowa. * 10:45-11am: Setup * 11-12pm: Meeting via Discord and in person […]

eCourse: Leadership in Project Management (February 7, 2022)

Washington D.C.

Effective project leaders positively influence the behavior of their team, getting them to work towards a shared goal. Leadership skills are perhaps the greatest determinant of project success. Project managers […]

“Media Freedom and critical journalism in modern democracies”


WEB DISCUSSION The Association for Social Reform – OPEK Cyprus and The Association of European Journalists – AEJ Cyprus Section in collaboration with the newspaper “Politis” organize a web - […]

Neoliberal Freedom as Stoic Resignation | LSE Online Event


In this talk, Jessica Whyte will trace the development of neoliberal attitudes to the subjective comportment required for a functioning competitive market. #LSEHumanRights Speaker: 🔴 Dr Jessica Whyte Chair: 🔴 […]

Tax Season Tips


Tax season is quickly approaching. Lawyers for Learners wants to ensure your students have the information they need to prepare their taxes and take advantage of benefits like the Earned […]

An Evening about George Washington

On February 11, 1731/32 George Washington was born at Popes Creek Plantation in the Northern Neck of Virginia. Seems like we have the date wrong? Actually, George had two birthdays, […]