WHEN: Fri-Sun, June 11th, 12th, & 13th. TIME: 9:00 A.M. Friday – 12:00 Noon on Sunday.
WHERE: Millersburg, PA WHO: Brigade members/Christians looking to engage with like-minded people, develop relationships & support systems in your area. Christians desiring to become active in the difficult times we are living, while learning how to engage the culture and establish dominance under Jesus Christ. Christians will experience various speakers throughout the weekend, and several trainings that will increase skills, situational awareness and confidence. Friday will offer all day fishing, hatchet/knife throwing, long bow & cross bow shooting. Great fellowship will take place and hamburgers/hotdogs offered for evening dinner. If we catch fish. Fish fry!
LODGING: Register for lodging information.
COST: Free. Donations appreciated.
BOBBY LEE 570-236-1867 pennsylvania@saltandlightbrigade.org
Colonel (Dr.) Val W. Finnell, USAF Ret. Is the Pennsylvania Director for Gun Owners of America, spearheading GOA’s work within the Keystone State.
Chris Merola of the Faith and Freedom Coalition. Family, Right to Life, Religious liberty, education, parental rights, human trafficking, responsible government, the courts and election integrity.
Dr. John D. Diamond is the Founder and Director of Peacemakers Outreach, and the author of the book, Appeal to Heaven. Dr. Diamond is leading the way on educating the American people of the founding father’s difficulties & the final appeal to heaven.
Coach Dave. PASS THE SALT is committed to bringing together the body of Christ across denominational, racial & economical borders to demonstrate to America the power of Biblical unity. Our vision is to unite, organize & mobilize the Army of God to be SALT. MATTHEW 5:12.
David Paxton has been studying all things prophetic pushing 40 years. He has a ministry where he examines and teaches these things called The Hidden Day. Also, David as Patrick Henry. “Give me liberty or give me death!”
Basic Medical Treatment:
Lori Shockley-Nurse
Health & Nutrition: Don Wright-President of PA Oath keepers
Communication: Gary Donahoe-Ham Radio Technician/Trainer