Freedom WalK
2022 Themem: “Dissenting Voice to EO 9066: Eleanor Roosevelt”
Saturday, April 2, 2022 (virtual event)
National Japanese American Memorial Foundation (NJAMF) is dedicated to education and public awareness about the Japanese American experience during World War II.
NJAMF raised private funds to build the National Japanese American Memorial to Patriotism During World War II, which is not only a monument to the Japanese American experience but also a reminder that we must not allow anything like it to happen again. The Foundation continues its work through education and outreach events and programs.
Japanese American Veterans Association (JAVA) is a fraternal, patriotic, educational, and historical organization with the purposes of preserving and strengthening comradeship among its members, perpetuating the memory and history of its departed comrades, maintaining true allegiance to the Government of the United States of America, upholding its Constitution and Laws, and maintaining and extending the institutions of American freedom, and in concert with other veteran organizations, striving to obtain for veterans, reservists, active duty military personnel and their families full benefit of their rightful entitlements as veterans.
Japanese American Citizens League, DC Chapter (JACL) – The DC Chapter of the Japanese American Citizens League was established in 1946. Its mission is to secure and maintain the civil rights of Japanese Americans and all others who are victimized by injustice and bigotry. Its members also promote cultural, educational, and social values and preserve the heritage and legacy of the Japanese American community through traditional events such as Mochitsuki and Keiro Kai.
Nen Daiko, based at Ekoji Buddhist Temple in Fairfax Station, Virginia, has been mesmerizing audiences throughout the DC Metropolitan area since 1994. Their kumi daiko (ensemble drumming) performance illustrates the energy and athleticism that this musical form requires. Pieces include traditional festival songs and contemporary compositions. Nen Daiko has performed at all of the Cherry Blossom Freedom Walks.
2022 Freedom Walk COMMITTEE: Rosie Abriam, Michelle Amano, Shirley Bertoni, Meghan Bertoni, Thea Bertoni-Hall, Stanley Fujii, Martin Herbert, Shirley Higuchi, Erick Ishii, Gale Awaya McCallum, Arlene Minami, Martha Watanabe, Marie Wierzbic, David Yao
THANK YOU to OUR Generous 2022 Donors (as of 3/28)
Japanese American Veterans Association (JAVA)
Roy & Cheri Fujimoto
Al Goshi
JACL, Washington DC Chapter
David & Penny Yao
Shirley Bertoni
Gerald & Nancy Yamada
Shirley Higuchi
Meghan Bertoni
Daphne Kwok
Mervyn Otsuka
Thea Bertoni-Hall
Vivian Lock Cal Shintani
Frances E. Francis
Mary Murakami
Martha Watanabe
James Kariya
Karen Narasaki
Up to $99
Rosie Abriam
Jason Kuriowa
Linda Adams Ikuko
Rose Kuwabara
Clayton & Sylvia Hashimoto
Ann McClellan
Howard & Denise High
Terry Shima
Paul & Louann Igasaki
Katheryn Tolbert
Vicki & Everette Jordan
In-Kind Donation:
Chris Chan, 3C Strategies
Minh Nguyen, Millennium Enterprise Corporation
Ed Yamanaka