BusBoys & Poets Event Link: https://www.busboysandpoets.com/events/th-evt-29249305/
There is a button to “buy tickets”… the price is $0.00. (Probably to track attendance) So please “buy” your ticket soon, come early to get a good seat, enjoy BB&P cuisine, support a fellow Bobcat, and hopefully buy a book.
Join us to learn about the under-reported period of voting rights advocacy in the 1980s and early 1990s.
In the book, Moore tells the story of the fight against voter suppression from his own perspective, beginning as a young, African American man from Cleveland in the 1980s who reluctantly became involved with this movement as a student activist and inadvertently rose to become an integral part of legislative history.
The book provides historical context to the struggle for democracy, including Jesse Jackson’s historic campaigns in 1984 and 1988 and the passage of the Motor Voter bill, which allowed people to register to vote and update their address at state driver’s license facilities. As well, Moore speaks on the more recent push to restrict voting rights, from the Supreme Court’s Shelby decision in 2013, which allowed more states to impose new voting restrictions that helped facilitate President Trump’s early campaign.
Greg Moore received his Bachelor of Science Degree from the Ohio University, College of Communications, in June 1983, with a major in Organizational Communications and a minor in Political Science. After over 30 years of advocacy work, he returned to higher education to complete his Master of Public Administration at the George Voinovich School of Public Administration at Ohio University in December, 2021.