The National Liberty Day of Service is an annual event when people in the Liberty movement do public acts of service around the country to show that we can voluntarily make our communities better.
The National Liberty Day of Service provides an opportunity for the liberty community to be visible doing good things.
You’ve got a great activity for NLDOS? The more people who come the better! Thanks for being an organizer! Providing people with a cause to get behind that’s not political is going to make lots of friends for the Liberty movement. Nothing brings people together more soundly than working on a good cause together!
Let’s be honest. Many people who don’t know us think of the Liberty movement as selfish. Here’s a great chance to show our true colors and the essence of voluntaryism.
Please enter the information for your event below, and we’ll display your event on the map and do everything we can to get people to sign up for your event! When someone signs up for your event through our form, we’ll connect you both by email, so make sure the email address you give us is one that someone is checking regularly. If you get more than 10 people to sign up for your event, we’ll send you ALL a coupon to our store.
You want to join other people in doing some good deeds? Check out the map below and if you see something near you, click on it!
Q: Does my event have to be on May 1?
A: Definitely not! Most events will be on May 1, which will generate a lot of press, but if that day doesn’t work for you, pick a day that does and put it in the description of your Activity
Q: Do you have recommendations for activities?
A: Trash cleanups, food drives, elder care, car wash/bake sale for a local charity — ANYTHING you can think of that is a public service is welcome.
Q: What is the history of the National Liberty Day of Service?
A: People For Liberty started organizing the National Liberty Day of Service in 2021 to create a day when the Liberty movement could demonstrate its altruism.
Q: Can my team get matching clothing?
A: We recommend you dress in Liberty garb that promotes a liberty organization in your area, or has some liberty sentiment on it. Let people know your group is out there in the name of Liberty!
Click on a pin on the map for more details and to sign up for that event.
Extinction Rebellion
Extinction Rebellion DC is launching a campaign to stop Washington Gas — the only company in the city that pipes toxic methane gas into your home — from spending $5 billion on more gas infrastructure.
If Washington Gas gets its way, then DC will lock in planet-heating fossil fuel pollution for decades to come. Its methane pipes will continue to poison DC residents, exposing our children to a cocktail of toxins that cause severe illness and early death.
Learn about our campaign here!
Join us on Friday, April 22, as we begin a massive, sustained campaign of civil resistance to get fossil fuel filth out of DC — for good! We will kick off the day with an Earth Day Rally at 7:30 am at Franklin Park, 1332 I st NW.
Free The Trees
Dive into nature with the Loudoun & Shenandoah chapters of the Virginia Master Naturalists in a collaborative effort to free a stately red oak from the invasive plant species that surround it. Ecologist and ancient tree expert Michael Gaige will tell us about this 150+-year-old “wolf tree” at the top of the Rolling Meadows trail.
Wear clothes made with sturdy cloth to protect yourself from thorns, hats and sunscreen to protect from sun, insect repellent to fend off ticks, and bring water, snacks, gardening gloves, and tools to help remove vines and weeds. All ages are welcome and no experience is required. Round trip hike to the worksite is approximately 1.5 miles from the Lost Mountain parking lot.
Please sign up and indicate what type of tool you will bring, if any, in SignUp Genius at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0d44afaf2dabfbc70-free . Some tools will be provided.
This event is led by the Loudoun & Shenandoah chapters of the Virginia Master Naturalists in collaboration with Sky Meadows State Park.
Parking fee is waived.
Libertarian Party of Atlanta
Join the Libertarian Party of Atlanta in helping to keep our parks clean.
May 1st at 12:30 pm
The Libertarian Party of Atlanta adopted Phoenix II Park in Summerhill to assist in showing that the Libertarian Party is a Party about it's community. We will be cleaning up in and around Phoenix II Park in Summerhill, demonstrating community and civic commitment don't require government force.
Help us and your community by volunteering your time to keep our parks clean and safe. Please come out and join us and help do some good in the community.
Meet us at the parking lot on the corner of Georgia Avenue and Martin Street
Libertarian Party of the Chattahoochee Valley
The Libertarian Party of the Chattahoochee Valley will meet on April 24, at 3:00 pm to help the Deborah A Jones Community Garden get ready for spring!
LIbertarian Party of Indiana District 2
Who: Libertarian Party of Indiana District 2
What: Roadside Trash Clean-Up
Where: West Old Road 30 in Warsaw, IN in front of the CCAC
When: May 1st 12-3pm
People For Liberty
2nd Annual Southern Maryland Liberty Food Drive
You know you've got tons of food you've been storing since your last Pandemic stock up. It's time to cycle your supplies. Let me take your older food supplies to the Southern Maryland Food Bank in Waldorf. Send me an email and promise me at least a grocery bag full of donations, and I'll plan out a route on May 1 and come and pick them up!
Oklahoma Libertarian Party
Join the OKLP and Altus City Councilman Dillon Feazel for Oklahoma's "2022 Libertarian National Day of Service" community clean-up event on Sunday, May 1st. This is Libertarianism in action!
Bring your work gloves and lawn trash bags, and meet up at the B-47 airplane statue in Hightower Park (121 N Park Ln, Altus, OK 73521) at 1:00pm. We'll split up into small groups to target different areas of town. This is a family-friendly event, so feel free to bring a team with you. The more, the merrier, and the bigger impact!
If you've got an OKLP t-shirt, be sure to wear it! If you don't, you can order one at https://oklahomalp.org/shop/unisex-jersey-short-sleeve-tee/.
Plan to stick around after clean-up if you'd like to meet other Libertarians for dinner at a local restaurant. Details provided at the event.
*Litter pickers, rakes, and brooms may also prove useful.
Libertarian Party of Pinellas County (FL)
The Libertarian Party of Pinellas County is holding a clothing drive to support the efforts of CASA, a local domestic violence center based in Pinellas County. They operate the area’s 24-hour hotline and emergency shelter; non-residential programs, such as support groups, economic empowerment and legal advocacy; Child Protective Investigative Team support; community and corporate training; and the CASA Peacemakers anti-bullying and healthy relationship school curriculum.
Here are the details of the drive:
Who: Pinellas County Libertarians
What: Clothing Drive to help victims served by CASA, https://casapinellas.org
When: May 1st, 12-2 PM
Where: Collection Site is Green Bench Flowers, 10 4th St. N, Saint Petersburg, FL 33701
The drive will take place on May 1st, with clothing being accepted from noon until 2 PM on May 1st at Green Bench Flowers in downtown St. Pete.
Items needed: new or gently used clothing items for men, women, and children
new or gently used shoes and accessories
NEW socks and undergarments
Libertarian Party of Montgomery County
The Libertarian Party of Montgomery County will host a food drive benefiting Meals on Wheels - Montgomery County on Sunday, May 1, 12 pm - 3 pm CST.
The event will take place at Southern Star Brewing company located at 3525 N Frazier St, Conroe, TX 77303. During the event, crawfish will be available for purchase courtesy of D's Cookin'. The cost is $25 for 3lbs with sides.
There is a critical need for these items right now! Low sodium preferred.
• Vegetables
• Soup
• Beans
• Tuna fish / chicken
• Peanut butter
• Crackers / graham crackers
• Oatmeal, individual packets
• Powdered milk
Chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry flavors preferred
• Ensure Original
• Glucerna Original
Libertarian Party of Orange County
May 14 9am-11am
Join OC Libertarians at the Coastkeeper Huntington State Beach Cleanup. We'll meet near the PCH and Brookhurst entrance.
Liz Terwilliger for Congress and Libertarian Party of Bradford County
We will be doing maintenance on and stocking the permanent Community Hygiene Pantry that we installed behind Mad Hatters Cafe and Co-Op (400 N. Main St, Athens, PA) last year. We invite people to bring personal care and hygiene item donations to help stock the pantry. We will be meeting in the parking lot behind the Cafe at 10am on Sunday May 1st and will be there until at least Noon (or longer if needed.)