Liberty Dance Party

De Ton - Per Sempre

Liberty Dance Party zaterdag 5/03/2022 Hebben jullie ook last van knaldrang, wij kunnen helpen! Wij gaan onze herwonnen vrijheid gepast vieren in onze gekende stijl op ons eerste themafeestje van […]

Bytes of Freedom: Literary Blogs in Egypt

Online event

Please register at : In the forth session of the Dream Seminar 2022 “The script of revolt. Writings, consignments, transcriptions in worlds in revolution”, we are pleased to welcome […]

Freedom in Transition


Lea Ypi joins Abby Innes to discuss her latest book, 'Free: Coming of Age at the end of History', which explores her experiences growing up in Albania, the last Stalinist […]

Fight for Voting Rights and Equality Freedom

Online event

We all witness the Republicans made their efforts to change history and erasing from existence; but not only that, we have two traitors who sided with them: Manchin and Sienma, who decided to keep the filibuster to preserve democracy; the words they say out their mouth is nothing but lies just like the tongues of […]

Liberty Virtual Tour and Resources Orientation

The Liberty Workshop Series is a partnership between the Museum of the American Revolution and the American Battlefield Trust. The Museum’s newest special exhibit, Liberty: Don Troiani’s Paintings of the Revolutionary War, is going virtual! This 360-degree virtual tour combines the dramatic and research-based works of Don Troiani with historical objects to help us envision […]

Freedom Convoy Famous T Shirt 2022

We want freedom and we won't leave until we get it!! Support truckers by getting this Order from here:

Virtual Lecture: Thomas Armstrong III-Freedom Rider

In partnership with Building Love Amongst Cultures (BLAC), learn about the life of Freedom Rider Thomas Armstrong III. Register for this free event at Thomas Madison Armstrong III is a veteran of the early 1960s civil rights movement in his native Mississippi, the very heart of white resistance in the South. As a student […]

eCourse: Organizational Project Management (March14, 2022)

Washington D.C.

This is an advanced course on the concepts, processes, and methods required to ensure that all projects and programs are aligned with the organization’s development goals. This course is especially useful for anyone working in a development organization that is seeking to improve the delivery of projects, programs, and ensure they are aligned with the […]

Deborah Kuehner: “Fighting for their Freedom

Deborah Kuehner started The Potter’s Hands Foundation in 2013 to help females trapped by abuse to find wholeness, healing and a sense of self-worth in a safe place for them to grow and heal. Since then, the foundation has served over 40 women from all over the United States. Join Deborah on Zoom to hear […]

Journey: Freedom Tour

Simmons Bank Arena

Journey: Freedom Tour 2022 with very special guest Toto Sat • Mar 19 • 7:30 PM Simmons Bank Arena , North Little Rock, AR

MFRR Online Summit 2022: Boosting Press Freedom

This year's #MFRRsummit will take place from March 22 til March 24, bringing together journalists, press freedom experts, advocacy professionals and academics to discuss pressing issues in the field of media freedom. For more updates visit

Reach Food Freedom

Hypnotherapy & Relaxation Clinic

An in-depth workshop to help you navigate food triggers and overcome Emotional Eating in 2022