LP Delaware Convention

Pizzadili Vineyard & Winery, 1683 Peach Basket Rd, Felton, DE 19943, USA

The Libertarian Party of Delaware is holding its annual convention on June 5th. Spike Cohen has been confirmed as our keynote speaker. We have chosen the Pizzadili Vineyard and Winery […]

Key West Gay Pride

Duval Street, Duval St, Key West, FL 33040, USA


The Future of Gun Policy and the Second Amendment in the United States

To register: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/8869535316035961358?source=social+media The debate over gun policy in the United States has waxed and waned over the years, stirred by a rise in mass shooting. As of April 29, there have been 197 mass shootings (with 4 or more shot) in the US in 2021. Gun ownership is also on the rise, with nearly […]

Libertarian Party of Volusia County’s Monthly Business Meeting

Please join us for our monthly LPVC business meeting. All are welcome! To attend: Topic: LPVC Business Meeting Time: Jun 9, 2021 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84684012972?pwd=RTlnZk9kOW9mL0s1S2NXVmhmMG9RZz09 Meeting ID: 846 8401 2972 Passcode: 894688 One tap mobile +13017158592,,84684012972#,,,,*894688# US (Washington DC) +13126266799,,84684012972#,,,,*894688# US (Chicago) Dial by your location +1 […]

Virtual Tour of Arlington National Cemetery


Join a live guide as we virtually explore the nation’s most hallowed burial ground and leave really understanding how complex this historic treasure’s story is. Highlights will include the resting spots of the Kennedy Brothers, the “Original” Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers, the Graves of President Lincoln’s son, General M.C. Meigs, George C Marshall, President […]


Haddon Ave, Haddon Twp, NJ 08108, United States




WHEN: Fri-Sun, June 11th, 12th, & 13th. TIME: 9:00 A.M. Friday – 12:00 Noon on Sunday. WHERE: Millersburg, PA WHO: Brigade members/Christians looking to engage with like-minded people, develop relationships & support systems in your area. Christians desiring to become active in the difficult times we are living, while learning how to engage the culture […]

PKGO Pride Parade

Main Street, Poughkeepsie

PKGO Pride: Join The Maskerade Car Parade Main St, Poughkeepsie Featuring Grand Marshal Lea DeLaria, the 3 time SAG Award-winning actress, comedian, and singer best known for playing "Big Boo" on Orange Is the New Black. Line up starts at 11am in the parking lot of Dutchess Center, 635 Dutchess Turnpike, Poughkeepsie. There will be […]

Canton Pups & Pride Parade

Canton Dog Park, 79 Commerce Drive, Canton

A parade for Canton Pride! Meet at the Canton Dog Park (with or without your leashed dog) and walk to the Shops in support of Pride Month. First 20 doggies will get a rainbow bandanna, and first 100 humans will get a tote bag from the Shops! https://www.facebook.com/events/284845983325466/

Pride Car Parade

Corning, NY

Get your vaccinated pals together in one vehicle, and register for the 2021 Corning Pride Car Parade! Registration required: https://forms.gle/BirRKsRuidPDNZsv8 https://www.facebook.com/events/481426073052397/

Capital PrideMobile PARADE!

Washington, DC

Join us on June 12, 2021, as we traverse throughout the Nation’s Capital with our colorful caravan to spread joy, resilience, and PRIDE throughout Washington, DC! ABOUT: This year, the Capital Pride Alliance is excited to present for the first time the Colorful Pridemobile Parade! This unique mobile parade will feature the official Pridemobile trolly, […]

DC Pride

P St & 21st St, Washington, DC 20037, USA
