The Launch of the Heritage Foundation’s 2022 Index of U.S. Military Strength

The Heritage Foundation

Remarks by: The Honorable Mike Rogers Member, United States House of Representatives (R-AL) and Ranking Member of the House Armed Services Committee Featuring: Dakota Wood Senior Research Fellow, Defense Programs Hosted by: Thomas Spoehr Director, Center for National Defense Description: The 2022 Index of U.S. Military Strength is The Heritage Foundation’s eighth annual assessment of […]

Law Symposium: Justice Thomas’s Thirty-Year Legacy on the Court

The Heritage Foundation

The Heritage Foundation and The C. Boyden Gray Center for the Study of the Administrative State at Antonin Scalia Law School will co-host a special event to commemorate the 30th anniversary of Justice Clarence Thomas joining the United States Supreme Court. Bringing together jurists, legal academics, and practitioners, including many of his former clerks, we […]

Freedom to Vote Relay – Rally at the Finish Line!

Robert A. Taft Memorial

Whatever our color, background or zip code, in America we value our freedom. The freedom to have a say in decisions that impact our lives—from curbing the pandemic to creating quality jobs to making health care affordable. We need the Freedom to Vote Act, the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement and DC Statehood Acts to […]

A New Agenda for Fighting Poverty and Inequality in California (Los Angeles)

Sheraton Grand Los Angeles

How is it that a state with ongoing economic growth, pockets of vast wealth, and some of the nation’s most extensive social welfare programs can be leaving so many of its residents behind? To answer this question, the Cato Institute launched the Project on Poverty and Inequality in California in the spring of 2019. Now, […]

Nazi Thieves, Looted Art, and Stolen Legacies

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Dazzling art, dubious dealers, and greedy Nazi leaders eager to convey an air of grandeur and power. That’s only part of the story behind one of the greatest thefts in history. The Nazi plot to strip Jews of their art, furnishings, and even objects of little value was a sign of their greater ambition—to destroy […]

Religious Liberty’s Winning Streak: Do Recent Court Opinions Portend a Sea Change?

214 Massachusetts Ave NE, Washington D.C., DC

Featuring: Robert P. George, D.Phil. McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence, Princeton University Mark Rienzi The Becket Fund and Professor, The Catholic University of America, Columbus School of Law Kristen K. Waggoner General Counsel, Alliance Defending Freedom Hosted by: Thomas Jipping Senior Legal Fellow, Center for Legal and Judicial Studies Description: Religious freedom is under attack on […]

Free Online Event | Are Kindness & Honesty Weak?

Washington D.C.

Get a ticket to receive information for accessing the online video meeting! Is it unrealistic or even naive to think that one should strive to live a virtuous life in the real world? As children we’re taught to be good, to be kind, to be honest. Yet as we get older, some of these virtues […]

Harriet Tubman and Maryland’s Underground Railroad – Livestream Tour

Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad National Historical Park

Harriet Tubman & Maryland’s Underground Railroad Sites - Livestream History Tour Join us for an online/virtual tour of the Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad sites in Maryland. Learn how Harriet successfully escaped from slavery and how she then heroically led others to freedom. Our program will focus on Harriet Tubman's inspirational life and feature many of […]

The Atlas Society’s 5th Annual Fundraising Gala

calamigos ranch 327 LATIGO CANYON ROAD, Malibu, CA, United States

The Atlas Society's 5th Annual gala is on November 4th, at Calamigos Ranch in Malibu, CA. Guests this year include: honoree and keynote, Peter Thiel, special remarks by Palmer Luckey, founder of Oculus VR, plus an exclusive interview with filmmaker Asiel Babastro, producer of “Patria y Vida,” the multiple-Grammy nominated song of protest that sparked […]


The Origins of Human Progress

The Cato Institute

What explains the explosion in growth and prosperity that humanity has experienced in the past couple centuries? Why did that process take root more readily in some places than in others, and how can its spread be encouraged? Professors Deirdre McCloskey and Stephen Haber will provide separate accounts. McCloskey will contest standard economic explanations and […]