Free Online Event | Are Kindness & Honesty Weak?

Washington D.C.

Get a ticket to receive information for accessing the online video meeting! Is it unrealistic or even naive to think that one should strive to live a virtuous life in the real world? As children we’re taught to be good, to be kind, to be honest. Yet as we get older, some of these virtues […]

Harriet Tubman and Maryland’s Underground Railroad – Livestream Tour

Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad National Historical Park

Harriet Tubman & Maryland’s Underground Railroad Sites - Livestream History Tour Join us for an online/virtual tour of the Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad sites in Maryland. Learn how Harriet successfully escaped from slavery and how she then heroically led others to freedom. Our program will focus on Harriet Tubman's inspirational life and feature many of […]

The Atlas Society’s 5th Annual Fundraising Gala

calamigos ranch 327 LATIGO CANYON ROAD, Malibu, CA, United States

The Atlas Society's 5th Annual gala is on November 4th, at Calamigos Ranch in Malibu, CA. Guests this year include: honoree and keynote, Peter Thiel, special remarks by Palmer Luckey, founder of Oculus VR, plus an exclusive interview with filmmaker Asiel Babastro, producer of “Patria y Vida,” the multiple-Grammy nominated song of protest that sparked […]


The Origins of Human Progress

The Cato Institute

What explains the explosion in growth and prosperity that humanity has experienced in the past couple centuries? Why did that process take root more readily in some places than in others, and how can its spread be encouraged? Professors Deirdre McCloskey and Stephen Haber will provide separate accounts. McCloskey will contest standard economic explanations and […]

The 2021 George Washington Symposium

George Washington's Mount Vernon

Before George Washington became the leader of a world-changing revolution, his life was full of remarkable achievements, failures, and even tragedies. At this two-day symposium, hear from Mount Vernon staff and historians about the experiences that shaped George Washington. You’ll also tour the Mansion and view historic documents and objects.

LPNY’s Empire State Freedom Summit

Collegian Hotel and Suites 1060 E Genesee St, Syracuse, NY, United States

The event will be held November 5-7, 2021 at the Collegian Hotel and Suites in Syracuse, New York. The weekend will feature workshops, speakers, a fundraiser event, and our business meeting. List of Speakers Spike Cohen, 2020 Candidate for Vice President of the United States Larry Sharpe, 2018 Candidate for Governor of New York Duane […]

Free Online Event | Is Equality Unfair?

Washington D.C.

Get a ticket to receive information for accessing the online video meeting! Is equality a tug of war where one side gains at another’s expense? Does empowering women require taking opportunities away from men, or does it actually strengthen the whole and create more opportunities and a better world for everyone? If a bird has […]


Arlington National Cemetery

A special ceremony commemorating the Centennial of Taps at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier will be held Sunday November 7, 2021 at 10 am in the Tanner Amphitheater (Old Amphitheater) at Arlington National Cemetery. TAPS IN HONORED GLORY will honor the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and remember the buglers who have sounded Taps […]

Benefits and Prospects of Free Trade in Environmental Goods

The Cato Institute

In 2014, the United States and 17 other countries began negotiations at the World Trade Organization (WTO) to create an Environmental Goods Agreement (EGA). The aim of these talks was to remove or reduce tariffs on important environmentally friendly products such as wind turbines, solar panels, and energy‐​efficient technology. An EGA would allow for freer […]

Defying Expectations: Women Resistance Fighters during the Holocaust

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Renia Kukielka sewed fake IDs into her skirts to save Jewish lives in German-occupied Poland. Vladka Meed, passing as a Christian, smuggled correspondence and weapons to support the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. And Frumka Plotnicka, a leader in the underground, once hid guns in a potato sack and was killed while battling the Nazis in Będzin. […]