Nixon’s War at Home: The FBI, Leftist Guerrillas, and the Origins of Counterterrorism

The Cato Institute

Domestic terrorism has been a part of the American political landscape since the rise of the Ku Klux Klan in the Civil War’s aftermath. During the turbulent transformation of American society during the 1960s and 1970s, a new kind of domestic terrorism threat emerged. Homegrown leftist guerrilla groups, such as the Weather Underground and the […]

The King Lecture Series : RACE AGAINST TIME

Washington D.C.

WHUT & The Gwendolyn S. & Colbert I. KING, Endowed Chair in Public Policy Lecture Series present, Politics of a Darkening America WHUT - Howard University Television present: A FREE community Livestreaming of the Gwendolyn S. and Colbert I. King, Endowed chair in Public Policy Lecture Series with Donna Brazile Host: Donna Brazile - Former […]

Facebook Live: Open Enrollment: What’s Changed in 2021 and How It May Impact Your Medicare Plan

Washington, DC

Your Medicare benefits may look different this year. Get up to speed at our special Facebook rebroadcast of OPEN ENROLLMENT: WHAT’S CHANGED IN 2021 AND HOW IT MAY IMPACT YOUR MEDICARE PLAN. RSVP now! -------------------------------------------------------------- Join this Facebook live event by following these simple steps: "Follow" AARP Programs to be notified of the Live video. […]

A Right to Lie? Presidents, Other Liars, and the First Amendment

The Cato Institute

Do the nation’s highest officers, including the president, have a right to lie, no matter what damage their falsehoods cause? Does freedom of expression protect falsehoods? If so, are lies by candidates and public officials protected? And is there a constitutional path, without violating the First Amendment, to stop a president whose persistent lies endanger […]

ICSB World Congress 2022 – Entrepreneurial Revolution

Washington D.C.

Showcase of the ICSB World Congress 2022 Featuring: Dr. Winslow Sargeant, ICSB Chairman, and Dr. Ayman El Tarabishy, ICSB President & CEO

39th Annual Monetary Conference: Populism and the Future of the Fed

The Cato Institute

Cato’s 39th Annual Monetary Conference—Populism and the Future of the Fed—will bring together leading scholars and policymakers to explore the risks that populism poses to the conduct of monetary policy. As the bright line between monetary and fiscal policy fades, and the threat of fiscal dominance increases, a robust discussion of the Fed’s future is […]

Liberty: Food Truck Friday

Boca Chica Field

Join us for Food Truck Friday at the Anchor Food Truck on Boca Chica from 11 AM - 2 PM. ~Limited space available - please pre-register to save your place. Text, call or email to sign up The Liberty Program is open to all junior Sailors (E-6 & below). Most events are open to a […]

Shared Parenting Rally ’21!

1 SE Court Sq, Graham, NC 27253-2844, United States

Right here in Alamance County, NC our Family Law Courts have violated our constitutional rights, our due process rights, our civil rights, our parental rights, our children's rights, and our human rights. Throughout North Carolina this is true, the United States, and throughout many of the major developed countries. Our system is failing, our children […]

The Reason You’re Broke | Livestream

Empowering conversations about your money and your life. We simplify money, and give you the tools you need to transform your life through your wallet. #thereasonyourebroke livestreams every other week. New #podcast episodes available every Wednesday on Spotify, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast with #idaazefor. -- Social Media -- Let's connect:

Tour Mount Vernon by Candlelight

George Washington's Mount Vernon

Guided Tours of George Washington’s estate by Candlelight Visit with Mrs. Washington and other 18th-century residents of Mount Vernon in a 45-minute candlelit tour of the historic area at Mount […]