June 2021 Newsletter


Hi Friend of Liberty!

Liberty Starts With YOU!

National Libertarian Day of Service was a HUGE success that continued throughout May! People for Liberty asked everyone to get out into their communities and show that government can be reduced because We the People can do better. Wow did folks deliver! Here’s a small snapshot of the what our community did, but visit the recap page to see ALL of their great ideas at work.

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YOUR actions made the news! See the clip of volunteerism below.

Write a title for your video here

Juneteenth – Are We Really Free?

Saturday, June 19th at 1:00 PM ET

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People For Liberty will be honoring the day with a broadcast talking about the perpetual struggle against slavery that has dogged our history. We’ll have special guests like John Monds, Larry Sharpe, Dr. Aaron Lewis and PFL President Jo Jorgensen, just to name a few.

Memorial Day Candlelight Vigil

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Did you get a chance to see our Memorial Day Candlelight Vigil? Tune in as we reflect on peaceful actions and remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice. We encourage you to submit the names of those who are gone for our memorial plaque.

Join our LGBT+ Community for Pride

Wednesday, June 30th at 8:00 PM ET

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You asked and we answered! The feedback was overwhelming that supporters liked hearing the message of liberty from members in their community. Join us in this special event put together by our LGBT+ for Liberty Community.

Show Off Your Liberty!

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Show off your love for liberty. Let the world know what you think in style!

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