[pdf-embedder url=https://www.people4liberty.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Celeste-Press-Release-3.pdf]

May 9th, 2022
Washington D.C.
For Immediate Release

People For Liberty is pleased to announce that Celeste Garrett has agreed to join the People For Liberty team as our Legislative Director. Ms. Garett will be taking over PFL’s legislation project, ensuring that PFL continues to have the largest and most up to date listing of state and local legislation that affects liberty on the web.

Ms. Garrett has extensive marketing experience at both the industrial and non-profit level. She earned a BA in Marketing Communication and Business Management and is the Secretary of the LPVA.

Executive Director Daniel Fishman had the following to say:

“I consider us very lucky to have Celeste join the team, and I want to acknowledge the critical role of Director of Operations Holly Ward in bringing Celeste into our circle.

“Informing the almost 250,000 people who read our newsletter about local liberty legislation is one of the most important aspects of us building a coalition of all the people who stand for liberty. Supporting or opposing legislation can unite people of different backgrounds and make us realize that we are more bound together as people for liberty than we are torn apart by political parties.”

People For Liberty can be contacted at info@people4liberty.org

People For Liberty is a 501(c4) pending non-profit.  People for Liberty embraces liberty-curious and liberty-committed individuals and connects them with people and organizations who share their interests and goals. We equip liberty organizations with resources for outreach, data & analytics, and new members. Our driving purpose is to expand the liberty movement.